
Cloth Diaper Services A Solution for Busy Parents

You've heard all the benefits of cloth diapers and you really want to give them a try. But you're busy -- and the thought of washing diapers while you're trying to recover from childbirth and handle life with a newborn just isn't appealing! Consider a cloth diaper service for the first few months of your baby's life.

The Benefits of Cloth

Cloth diapers are friendlier for your baby. They're soft and comfortable for babies. Parents who use them tend to change their babies more often, meaning that your baby stays dry, clean, and healthier. Babies are also less prone to diaper rash.

Because cloth diapers are fabric without super-absorbent chemicals inside of them, your baby feels wet when he or she wets. In fact, the feedback is immediate! Contrary to popular belief, infants do have awareness of elimination, and can quickly begin to gain some control of it. Cloth diapering is a system of diapers that prevent your baby from losing this awareness. This makes potty training easier down the line.

Another benefit to consider is cost. Even if you choose to use cloth diaper services during the early months, the cost is less than disposable diapers.

You also keep chemicals and unknown substances away from your baby's sensitive skin.

Convenience and Comfort

Cloth diaper services give you all these benefits without worrying about washing the diapers. You also don't have to worry about running out of diapers!

A diaper service brings your diapers on a set schedule, usually two to three times each week. The diapers are soft, snowy white, and as clean as they can possibly get.

The service uses industrial-sized machines to wash all the diapers. They usually put the diapers through several cycles, getting them very clean. Their care and attention often means that the diapers stay much softer than if you'd washed at home. I've noticed a big difference between the softness of diapers brought by my diaper service and those that I wash from home.

When parents are washing their own diapers they tend to be thrifty with the diapering purchases. This means frequent washings, and the possibility of running out. Diaper services usually provide sixty to one hundred diapers to last through the week! This frees you from the worry of running out of diapers and gives you the chance to use the diapers as burp cloths, too. This saves you a lot of washing!

Diaper services usually provide a few diaper covers and pins. These are usually plastic covers that you may not like for your baby. Luckily you can substitute in your own covers to pair with the service's diapers. You can also use a nice little item called a Snappi to avoid having to use pins with the diapers.

Your diaper service will also provide you with pails. These are great, locking pails. They have a large capacity and they keep odors sealed away. Your service may also provide you with a bottle of soak to pour over the diapers along with some water. Many services are offering eco-friendly soaks and use eco-friendly soap when they do the washing.

Source: http://zywchang.blogspot.com/2012/08/baby-cloth-diapers-for-your-soft-bums.html

