
Why Dads Will Love Cloth Diapers

While new dads will definitely celebrate the arrival of a new baby, one may safely assume that when it comes to cleaning up dirty diapers, the enthusiasm will quickly wear off. To say that women are primarily responsible for the dirtiest job in child care is an understatement - mothers indeed do the majority of the bathing, changing, and laundry. It stands to reason, too, that mothers handle the bulk of the shopping for baby, and should Mom choose cloth diapers, it might leave Dad thinking, "Why? Aren't they more difficult and expensive to use?"

Dad may think he has a right to feel apprehensive. After all, when cloth diapers are soiled they aren't thrown away, they're tossed into a pail to stink up the house, right? Well, not exactly. Cloth covers and inserts are designed for repeated use, but using them actually helps the family save money in the long run as opposed to disposables, which can cost a family as much as two thousand dollars over three years. Cloth diapers, by comparison, may come to a total expense of three to five hundred.

So while Dad may blanch at the initial buy-in, once he see that the diapers are washable and that he doesn't have to go to the store every week to buy more diapers, he might relax a bit. Of course, there's the matter of stinky baby poop. Who wants it around the house where it will smell? Well, if you have a pail specially designed for cloth, with a strong liner that is scented, it can greatly decrease the chance of odor. Once or twice a week, diapers are washed and good as new.

Another reason Dad will enjoy using cloth diapers on baby is that it will reduced waste around the home. As disposable diapers pile up, they do contribute a great odor to your outdoor cans. A cloth alternative eliminates that, and water used to launder covers and inserts has actually been proven negligible as far as incurring more expense when the water bill arrives.

So, Dad, if Mom comes home with a new cloth diaper to try, don't cringe. It just may be the ticket to saving you some money, and a great deal of headaches.

